Friday, August 29, 2008

Not feeling local yet

It's now Friday afternoon in India and I've been here almost 3 days already...but it feels like a week. At first I didn't know what to expect of how I'd feel or when it would actually hit me that I'd be living in India for 4 months. I don't think it really hit me until a day or so after I landed in Mumbai. Walking around Mumbai and seeing the beggars on the street and yet the beautiful dresses the women wear, really made me snap into reality that I'm here.
A part of me doesn't know how I feel about Mumbai or even India for that matter. A part of me is saying this is too much for me to handle. The big thing is that it's very tiring learning the ins and outs of the city & culture, all at once and all by myself. I'm hoping that once school starts it will get easier.
During this semester, I'm living with an older woman, Cynthia. She seems nice so it shouldn't be a problem living with her. She and everyone else I've met in India so far have been very welcoming. Everyone is always telling me the best shops to go into and the best places to go, as well as what not to do, where I shouldn't be going alone, etc.
Everything is just hitting me all at once though. It's been very difficult so far. The time difference, the different food, culture, etc. There's so much to learn all at once and it's getting very mentally exhausting. I've been told though that I will have frustrating days and I will have great days. Some days I won't want to leave India and some days I won't be able to wait to jump on that plane home.
Well there you have it. The run down and brief explanation of the beginnings of my semester in India. Once I figure out where the best internet is and how to upload my pictures, I'll definitely show everyone pictures of the sights so far.