My Bucket List

Whenever I'm living somewhere abroad, I tend to reflect on all the things I've already been able to accomplish and all the ones that I hope to in the future. It makes me so thankful for my supportive family and friends I have surrounding me. That being said, here is my bucket list. A list of places I want to see and things I want to do before I "kick the bucket". 

Me at the Botswana border crossing in 2011

  1. Backpack around Europe
  2. Tour wineries around Italy
  3. Travel around Switzerland
  4. See the Taj Mahal (January 2014)
  5. Go to Machu Picchu
  6. Learn how to scuba dive and get certified
  7. Celebrate Holi in India
  8. Go to Greece
  9. Go on a cruise around Alaska
  10. Go to Costa Rica
  11. See penguins (Luderitz, Namibia, 2011)
  12. Go skydiving
  13. Snorkel/Scuba dive off the Great Barrier Reef
  14. See the Grand Canyon
  15. Go to the Galapagos Islands
  16. Go to Iceland
  17. Go ziplining (Victoria Falls, 2011)
  18. Go to the salt flats
  19. Go on a safari (Botswana, 2011)
  20. Stay in a houseboat in Kerala, India (December 2008)
  21. See the Colosseum 
  22. See the Stonehenge
  23. See the Great Pyramids in Egypt
  24. Experience the Amazon rainforest
  25. Set foot on all continents (North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, Antartica)
  26. Run in the 5K Color Run (Vermont, 2013)
  27. Go to Amsterdam
  28. Visit Easter Island
  29. Visit Yellowstone National Park
  30. Drive across country on Route 66
  31. Visit Arizona and go hiking
  32. Visit the Dead Sea in Jordan
  33. Go to the Vatican City
  34. Travel to Bali
  35. Go in a blimp
  36. Learn how to water ski
  37. Get married 
  38. Have children
  39. Live in a home by the water
  40. Run a marathon
  41. Float in the Dead Sea
  42. See the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)
  43. Walk along the Great Wall of China
  44. Go on a cruise
  45. Travel around Rajasthan, India (January 2014)

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