Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Colors of Rajasthan-Pushkar (Day 13)

Sunday January 26—Day 13 (Pushkar)

We left super early this morning in order to catch a train to Ajmer. We had had a great time in Udaipur and were sorry to see the town go, which made for a long 6 hour train ride. After arriving in Ajmer, we then had a 30-minute drive to Pushkar.

Pushkar is a very holy place in India and is famous for their camel festival, which happens in November. Since it’s very holy, there’s no alcohol, meat or eggs available in the town. The town surrounds itself around a holy lake, where it was said that Brahma (a Hindu god) dropped a lotus flower. Thousands of Hindu pilgrims (and lots and lots of Western hippies!) come to Pushkar each year to visit this holy lake and many of the temples in the area. When we were walking around the town, we saw so many hippies dressed in tie-dye and donning long dreadlocks.

Some colored powder they were selling

This was our last stop on our trip so we decided to make the most of our last few days of vacation and wandered up to the rooftop of a café and had a delicious breakfast. The lassis were the freshest I ever had! And you can’t even imagine all the kinds of lassies they had…..chocolate coconut, mango, pomegranate…and they were all so good! 

The view from the rooftop cafe 

After sitting in the sun for a few hours on the rooftop, we decided to do what any person would do after a big meal….go shopping!

Then in the afternoon, we took a camel ride out to the sand dunes and then around the town. I’ve never ridden a camel before but it sure was an experience! The camels were beautiful though. Decked out in fabrics and tattoos that were painted on the camels from the festival in November, they were truly a sight to be seen!

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