Friday, February 7, 2014

The Colors of Rajasthan-Bijapur (Day 9)

Wednesday January 22—Day 9 (Castle in Bijapur)

Originally we were supposed to go camping in Bijapur today, but with all the rain we’ve been having, our tour guide didn’t want to chance it. So we switched our days around and ended up spending the night in a castle instead. Not a bad deal! In the end, it ended up being one of the first warm sunny days we’ve had on our trip!

A packed bus we saw on our way to Bijapur
There wasn’t much to do in Bijapur since it’s just a small village, so we passed the time with a walk around the area and played some cards. While we were walking in the village, we found some yummy looking peas and decided to buy 2 kg! Over the course of our trip, peas became our go-to snack. Having fresh peas is one of life’s simple pleasures and we ended up buying at least a kg whenever we travelled to a new place.

They welcomed us with some beautiful music and singing

The castle we stayed in

A cute little puppy curled up next to a cow to stay warm

The village itself was nice and homey. Everyone we met was friendly and greet us with a smile or a wave. Whether it was curiosity or not, the whole village pretty much came out of the woodwork to see who was passing through. 

We even stopped by to watch a game of badminton that some kids were playing and ended up playing with them. It ended up being a nice, quiet day, and after the rain and cold weather we’d had, it was just what we needed. 

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