Friday, February 14, 2014

The Colors of Rajasthan-Bijapur (Day 10)

Thursday January 23—Day 10 (Camping in Bijapur)

Since the weather gods were so good to us yesterday, we decided to go camping in a different part of Bijapur, just an hour or so from the castle. The campsite was right on a lake and had some really pretty views.

I was amazed at the campsite….flushable toilets, cot beds and a little outside porch area? Glamorous camping or “glamping” at its finest! Being a Girl Scout for so many years, I’ve never opted for RV camping or “glamping”, but with the cold and rainy weather, it was the perfect time for it. All we were lacking were some marshmallows, graham crackers, Hershey’s chocolate and a stick!

Can you believe this was my bathroom in my tent?!?

We had the day to ourselves so after getting settled in, I decided to hike up to an old fort with some of the other people on the trip. On our way up we saw some Hindu deities and women carrying wood back down the hill. 

A rock form of the HIndu god, Ganesh

After seeing so many forts and palaces, it was really great to just be able to take a nature walk and have some quiet time to read my book. Sometimes with these trips you have so many “must-see sites” that you never get some down time. But luckily Intrepid kept it pretty balanced. After all, you have to have chai time!

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