Monday, February 3, 2014

The Colors of Rajasthan--Day 1 (New Delhi)

Tuesday January 14, 2014 – Day 1 (New Delhi)

Today was the first day of my Rajasthan trip (Classic Rajasthan trip) through Intrepid Travel. I decided to go through a tour organizer/company because frankly I didn’t want to travel alone. I’ve done enough of the alone thing to know that I am not a happy camper when I’m travelling alone. I’ve wanted to visit Rajasthan for years now and between full-time work and grad school work, the only way I was going to have the time to travel was if someone did all the planning for me.

The first day of the tour just gave us time to get acclimated and settled. We could check into the hotel at noon but we didn’t meet as a group until 6pm. Since I took the day off work, I used the day to just relax. I figured I was going to do enough sightseeing over the next two weeks anyway. So a little after 11am, I was still contemplating if I felt like hauling my bag and sleeping bag through the metro or just take an auto rickshaw and have no worries. I took the stress free route, plugged in my headphones and just sat back in the auto and listened to some country music for the next half hour, while the driver drove to the hotel where I’d be staying. I thought it was going to be an average, Days Inn kind of motel, but it actually turned out to be pretty nice. So I dropped my stuff in my room, and tried to think of what I wanted to do for the next 6 hours. I honestly felt like just lounging in bed and watching tv, but instead I decided to get outside and grab some lunch.

I grabbed an auto rickshaw and told him to go to Connaught Place (an outdoor shopping center) so I could get some lunch at Saravana Bhavan, a delicious restaurant I went to in Chennai back in 2008 and have been dreaming about since. He quickly told me though that it was a holiday and since everyone was off of work, Connaught Place was going to be crowded to say the least. So instead he brought me to another Saravana Bahavan which was right down the street from the hotel.

For lunch I had a very yummy paneer masala dosa with coconut chutney and some other sauces and a sweet lassi. It was pretty good! I haven’t been able to find good south Indian food near me so it was nice to finally have some. After not really having the mental energy to figure out where to go next, I decided to just head to a coffee shop about 1 km away from the hotel, grab a coffee and read my Kindle.

At 6pm, I met up with my group. We had a variety of ages and backgrounds and it was great to get to know everyone. There were four people from Australia, two from Wales and four from the UK. For my trip, I roomed with a woman from the UK who’s been living in Tamil Nadu for the past 4 months.

After our informational meeting, we went out to dinner together, where I had butter chicken with naan. It wasn’t the best but good comfort food. But it was okay, because I had a feeling I was going to have some amazing food over the next two weeks. 

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