Friday, February 14, 2014

The Colors of Rajasthan-Udaipur (Day 11)

Friday January 24

After leaving Bijapur, we made our way to Udaipur, a large town in Rajasthan. I was pretty excited about these next two days because I had heard from quite a few people that Udaipur was the place to go for shopping….and my credit card hadn’t been swiped in a while. Once we got to Udaipur, I could instantly see why so many people took heart to this town. It was full of winding streets with shop keepers offering their tailor services and restaurant sandwich boards advertising their nightly showing of Octopussy, the James Bond film since it was partially filmed in Udaipur (Side note: I just heard that Richard Gere is coming to Udaipur soon to film The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 2!).

In many ways, it was a quiet reprieve from the city life in India while still having everything you needed there. The whole town was developed along a large lake, so at night all the restaurants and shops were lit up. So pretty!

After dropping our bags off in our rooms, we went to grab some lunch and then took a walking tour around the city, where our tour guide pointed out some good textile shops and jewelry places to visit. That afternoon we were going to take a tour of the City Palace, but it was still closed since they had just had a royal wedding there. So instead, we decided to do some shopping!

That evening, we took a sunset boat ride on the lake where we had some spectacular views of Udaipur.

After having some dinner on a restaurant's rooftop, we heard some chanting going on and decided to see what it was. Right next to the restaurant was a Hindu temple so walked over, took off our shoes and made our way into the temple. We soon saw that all that chanting and music was coming from none other than a boom box! Past and present combined!

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