Thursday, December 4, 2008

Yet more attacks....

You think that things are always going to happen to other people but not to other cities, but not to yours. Buuut, here I am in Mumbai and that is no longer the case. And to be honest, my cool, calm and collected mind is starting to fizzle out to one that is nervous and highly anticipating going home. Following the terrorist attacks in Mumbai that began on November 26, I felt safe. I felt safe taking the train every day to my internship, taking rickshaws and going out in public by myself. After these attacks, I thought it was over. I thought that for the next several months, the only thing that they would be covering on the news is the commentary about what Mumbai is going to do after these horrible events....not covering more attacks after November 26th's ones.

No more attacks since November 26th's batch of ones has happened....yet. It's not good to get in a negative mindset that there will be more attacks and that it's only a matter of time until these things happen...but sometimes you just can't help it. After reading the newspaper and watching the news, there has been warnings that attacks and a threat of terrorists hijacking planes in India has happened. Here's the full story.....

Airports on alert after hijack threat
Anasuya Roy

Thursday, December 04, 2008 11:01 PM (New Delhi)

There has been tight security at the airports in Delhi, Chennai and Bangalore after the Bureau of Civil Aviation issued a hijack warning.

The move follows an anonymous mail sent to a news organisation in Gujarat last week, warning of terror strikes at these three airports on the 6th of December that also happens to be the anniversary of Babri Masjid demolition.

Vsavaraj Malajhati, DCP, Bangalore Police, says: "Security has been stepped up. We are asking passengers to keep calm. Necessary arrangements have been taken."

There's a 5-tier security ring -- right from the time one enters the airport to the point passengers finally board the flight- which means more checks, but no one's complaining.

The terror alert seems to have changed the way people in India view aviation security -- no more tantrums or complaints about having to stand in long queues to be frisked several times

But there are some who still feel more steps can be taken to improve security.

"They stopped my car did not check my baggage they should do that also," says actor Kunal Kapoor, adding, "now the security agencies shouldn't become complacent, and this kind of security should be maintained."

If you're planning to take a flight, here's what you need to do:

  • Reach the airport early, at least 3 hours before the departure time

  • Make sure u have a proper identity proof

  • If u need to carry medicines, especially liquids, in hand baggage, please carry the doctor's prescription

  • And try to travel light

    I spoke to some of the passengers inside and they say the security measures are as usual, but security agencies tell us there is no visible presence to avoid panic.
  • Courtesy of

    My Dad, his friend Hollis and I are supposed to have a 10 day vacation down to south India starting next week and ending on the 20th of December. My only hope and wish is that my Dad & Hollis are able to make it safely to Mumbai and that we're able to have a safe trip around south India. I cannot wait for this south India trip. I've been preparing for it for months now, so the anticipation is becoming like Christmas Eve or morning before you're opening those presents. But now, I almost can't wait just as much to go home and know that I am safe back in the US. Wish me luck :)


    Anonymous said...


    We are praying that you and your Dad have a safe vacation and a safe trip home. We love you!

    The lawyer

    Anonymous said...

    so i just went to girl scouts last night and we were talking about it & mrs. toppa was asking all about it cause she didnt know what town you were in so i told her & everything. jess said she's gonna try to get a phone card to talk to you soon. she still doesnt have internet or anything so i was going to call her and tell her what your blog said so she could know if you guys hadnt talked on the phone yet. gay is in the hospital and has been for the past week. its serious im pretty sure and theyre doing tests but dont exactly know whats going on with her. jess just found out on wed. from toppa and toppa was going to go visit gay in the hospital today. i'll let dad know about whats happening in india and the extra safety precautions. PLEASEEE come home safe!!!!!! i want to see you!!!! :( like literally i would be depressed the rest of my life if anything bad happened. be extra careful about everything. dont go to your internship if your gut feels like its a bad idea. i love you alison anna mackenzie proctor! i hope your not still sick!
    andrea jillian patterson proctor
    AKA ahn jill to you :)

    Anonymous said...

    don't worry...all will be well...the precautions seem so much like the US has been doing for many years and those in India have been lazy and in denial. Hollis & I are looking forward to being with you and going on this pilgrimage together. Pilgrims in the old days faced things haven't changed. love, daddyo