Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ice Cream: Life's Little Joys

I had just come back from Karin’s tonight and was in the kitchen getting my electric kettle to boil water for my bucket bath, when the husband of the young woman that I live with looked at me funny. I told him that the geezer (hot water heater) in my bathroom wasn’t working and it was getting too cold for cold bucket baths at night. 

So he went into my bathroom, fiddled with it for a little while and said to just leave the power switch on even though the light wasn’t showing that it was on. Give it an hour or so and it should heat up just fine. 

As I went to put the electric kettle back, he said “madam, you want to take a walk?” With the language barrier, it was hard to tell if we were actually going somewhere or just going out for an evening stroll. I soon learned though that we were on a mission for ice cream. 

Inside my apartment complex

Outside my flat

Because on a nice weekday night, what else would you be craving? So we began walking in hopes of finding some ice cream. We soon found a shop selling some chocolate shelled vanilla ice cream. The husband then told me that the shop is open 24 hours a day and is just a block or so away from my flat! It’s a little away from the main road which is probably why I haven’t seen it before, but has everything you pretty much need. In India I’ve found it’s difficult to find one shop that has your yogurt, crackers, eggs, washing detergent and Diwali sweets, but this place has it all! It even has some frozen goods, which seems to be a rare find around here.

After finishing our ice cream and walking back to the flat, the husband came into my bathroom and checked the hot water. What do ya know but three weeks after coming here, I find out that it works! Looks like I won’t have to be procrastinating on taking my nightly cold bucket bath anymore! Wahoo! 


Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness, Alison! What's with you and hot water heaters? I'm glad this one works! I bet your last one is still sitting in Oshakati! Enjoy your hot showers! :-)

Allie said...

I know! I must have some bad ju-ju when it comes to hot water heaters! Knock on wood or the good karma gods that this one will work til March. It actually gets cold here in the winter and I can't even imagine an ice cold bucket bath now. Eek!