Thursday, October 10, 2013

On a mission.........for fruit

I think I was spoiled when I was in Mumbai. I had fruits and vegetables at my fingertips, the butcher shop and dairy shop right now the road and a KFC on the corner. I remember just going out to the market each morning, getting my produce for the day and airtime minutes if needed. The shopkeeper greeted me and knew the fruit I usually got and the Vodacom guy knew the number of rupees I usually bought for airtime for my phone. Yes I was white and a foreigner, but there’s still something to be said about feeling at home like that in a big city.

Me back in 2008 in Mumbai eating a custard apple

New Delhi and at least the part where I’m living, has a different vibe to it. I’ve been told that I’m living and working in a posh area, which is fine (although it’s not very posh looking to me)—but which also means that people send their drivers out to get produce and groceries so there’s no need for markets and fruit stands on every block. 

So this weekend, with the help of my friend Karin (who’s also a grad student at SIT and staying in Delhi), I’ll be on a mission to find juicy custard apples/soursop, umpteen number of bananas, cucumbers, carrots, pomegranates—oh my mouth is watering just thinking of it! Sometimes it’s the smallest little thing that can make a place more comfortable and like home. And for the next five months, it’s gonna be fruit and I’m okay with that. 

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