Thursday, September 4, 2008

And just when I was getting settled in, everything changes

Today is the first day that I have seen it rain. I've always loved the rain, especially the smell of it when it's first beginning to rain. Here, I don't smell the rain as much as I hear it. The huge rumbles of thunder, the birds squawking & trying to find a dry tree branch to fly to.

Boy am I glad that I walked around this morning! Almost everyday I've had people wanting to show me around and meet up with me. And it's been great to see the different parts of the city. But I haven't really explored much on foot.

.....forget all about that. Cynthia just told me that having two people live with her is a strain. She talked to her doctor & they thought it was best that I go somewhere else to live. Now I completely understand that Cynthia's getting to the point where she just wants a retired lifestyle, without many things that she has to do everyday. But this is sooo frustrating!! Just when I'm kind of, barely able to know my way around and start fitting in, my life changes. Why do these things have to happen to me? Do they think that I can handle the challenge? I probably can but it takes every ounce of me to be able to handle the change.

We were supposed to go tonight to get me registered so that I can stay here. I asked Cynthia about it and she said that the new lady could take me. I talked to the woman that showed me an apartment tonight and she said that the school would have to take me. Grrr! I hope that I can get all of this done before Tuesday! I had really wanted to get all of this done before my internship and classes. But life changes, I guess. This probably shouldn't be a big deal but this change is making me so homesick right now. Not being able to talk to anyone from home about it is killing me.

The new apartment that I'll be staying in is very small. I'm living with a couple who seem to be very nice, but it's hard to understand their English. The room that I'll be staying in is a nice size. Right now, there's no dresser in the room. Just a small end table and bed. I have my own bathroom which is nice...very pink I might add. The monthly rent is 12,000 rupees ($300) + 300 rupees ($7.50) for the maid. The woman that I will be staying with told me that she'll look into getting internet, as she doesn't have internet at her apartment. So it's going to be very hard for me to communicate after today, unless she gets internet soon. For meals, they don't really have a full kitchen so I have to eat out or have food delivered to me for every meal. For breakfast, I figured I can buy a box of cereal but that's it. It's going to be very hard for me to adjust to life here.

So don't send anything to the address that I gave you before. My new address is: (I'm pretty sure)
Blue Heaven
Flat 301
C Wing
Rebello Road
Mumbai, India (I don't know the zip code)

I hope that I will somehow have the strength to carry on these next few months. I will be sooo happy to come home though. Right now, I don't know how I'll find the strength to even go through the next day.....very homesick :( I'll probably be moving on Saturday so I'll let you know how it goes.

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