Thursday, September 18, 2008

Veg vs. Nonveg....some things to know

One things I should mention about "veg" and "non-veg" in case you ever plan on visiting India or even having Indian cuisine for that matter. To state the obvious, veg is vegetarian food. India has a lot of vegetarians due to religious, cultural and personal reasons. Despite what you might think though, veg food can be very tasty. They add tofu (called soy nuggets here), rice and veggies together to come up with their different kinds of veg food.

Non-veg food is food with the meat...normal Indian food. Even though non-veg people eat meat, they still won't eat beef or any meat from a cow because cows are very sacred here (even though you'll see cows on the streets looking like they haven't eaten in months and haven't been washed in weeks).

So there you go, if you're ever in an Indian restaurant and they say veg or non-veg, now you know :)

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