Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A diamond in the rubble

It's so hard sometimes to get your bearings and see where everything is, without a useful map. Last night I went online and was able to find a map on google of the area where I'm staying. The only difficulty was that in Indian there are two names for everything...one in Hindi and one in English. On google, some of the streets are in Hindi and others in English. I guess the best way to find where everything is, is just to explore.

As I was writing, I heard music and a parade outside my window. I went to look out the window and see if I could see the parade from here but I couldn't. But while looking out the window, I did happen to see a beautiful lime green parrot! It's the small things like the music and the parrot flying about, that make me smile. I hear the birds chirping all day long--as I have my tea, eat my breakfast and read. But to actually see the bird that was causing all that chirping ruckus, and to realize that it wasn't just a pigeon made me smile. I'm glad I was able to get a picture of it!

I'll have to find a way on this blog site to start posting pictures. I haven't taken too many, but once I do, I'll definitely put them up to show everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! You're in India! I'm so excited for you... I love your updates so far, I feel like I'm living through your blog. I saw your pictures on facebook, and Mumbai looks awesome! I especially loved those crazy pants! You're going to be one funky college student when you get back!