Monday, September 1, 2008

Where in the world is.....

Just to give you a little look to where I am....

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If you see St. Andrew's Grounds in the middle of the map, and St. Andrews Road, I'm the next road over on the right. It's not labeled, but it's St. Leo's Road.

I'm just a short rickshaw or walk away from the water. Near the water, there's a really nice walking path and Jogger's Park, a little park with a pond and gardens. It can get very crowded though so I'm sure I'll be avoiding that area during the evening. But it's certainly a gorgeous view of the sunset. Dennis' wife and I took a walk along that area during sunset, and even though there were beggars on the street and trash on the ground, the sunset was breathtaking. Mumbai is certainly a city where you'll find a diamond among the rubble.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the map. Granddad (and I) eagerly read your blogs. You write well, & when it's all over you'll brag and say you had a marvelous time!
We go home tomorrow a.m. Hopefully we have time to stop at the Flying Pig Bread store in York on our way back & get several loaves for our freezer at home.

Love you,

the lawyer