Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy Durga Puja!

Today is the 9th day of Durga Puja, which is called the Dussehra...I think. There are so many festivals and holidays here that I still get confused by all of it. Today is when people decorate their cars, bikes, rickshaws and places of work with strings of brightly colored marigolds. Tonight, they also bring the idols of goddess Durga to the sea and immerse it. Since today's a holiday, I don't have my internship (wahoo!). So I got to take some pictures of the Durga Puja festival near my apartment. Enjoy!

More goddesses....I don't know which ones they are.

On the left is Ganesh (elephant god) and then another goddess to the right of him.
You can kind of see goddess Durga in the middle. She's the one with all the arms (she's got 10). And you can also see the crowd of people making their way up the wooden stairs there to pay homage to her and to worship her.

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