Friday, October 31, 2008

Rongoli all over the city

I'm loving Diwali. The actual day of Diwali was on Tuesday but celebrations have lasted all week. I didn't have my internship on Tuesday, Wed., or Thurs. so I was able to take a break from everything. Everyone's saying that the festivities were subdued because of the stock market and financial crisis, but I couldn't tell. For the past week, I've been hearing so many fireworks and been seeing so many businesses, shops and apartments decked out in lights and lanterns.

Today when I got back to my internship, the girls had done their own rongoli designs (all made out of colored powder, sand or salt) which were beautiful! Then when I went to my meeting with my professor at the college, there was a whole classroom floor filled with different rongoli designs. They even created rongoli in the form of various politicians, a Kathakali dancer (that we'll be seeing in Kerala) and other "Indian" things. Look for pictures of all this in my photo on the link to the left that "My Pictures From India".

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