Saturday, October 4, 2008

My everyday life in India

It's weird that it would ever come to this, but life in Mumbai has become somewhat normal these last couple of days. I wake up at 7:30am, take a rickshaw to the train station, take a 20 minute train ride to another part of Mumbai, then take a 20 minute bus ride to my internship. If I need milk or more tea, I simply walk a block down the road and pick it up. No need to compile a list of 20 items and wait for your day off to roll around before you can go to the store. And I'm happy to say, that tea time has also become normal. For the most part, Americans are coffee drinkers. But here, you have your tea. And I love it! I have two cups of green tea and two cups of english breakfast tea every single day. And at night, my tiffin box is delivered to my door, and dinner is served :) A tiffin box is four metal containers that have chapati (a whole wheat crepe kind of thing), rice, dal (a sauce made of lentils), some kind of meat and then some kind of veggie dish. Here's some pictures that I took to give you a better idea...

At first, I was a little bummed that I wasn't going sightseeing every weekend or any time that I had off. But then, on my train ride to the orphanage, it hit me. I'm going sightseeing every day! Every day I'm seeing something new and experiencing a new culture. For me, Mumbai is a city to experience rather than to sightsee. Every time that I shop for my pomegranates, custard apples (very yummy I might add...kind of tastes like a sweet banana) and other exotic fruit, and I bargain with the fruit stand owner, I'm experiencing Mumbai. Every time that I see hoards and hoards of people pushing themselves near the train cars in hopes that they can grab hold of the train enough to get to their destination, I'm experiencing Mumbai. Unfortunately, those memories and experiences aren't something that you can usually click with a camera. But I know for certain that those experiences and memories will be memories in my head for years to come.


Anonymous said...

We are both so very proud of you. Not just for what you are doing, but I especially am very proud of your writing ability. I hope when you get back that you will consider trying to get published at least one article (or more) in a magazine. Your writing is very impressive--well written and interesting.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the lawyer...but I'm your writing teacher. So I guess I'm supposed to say that. =) But really, yes, you should consider trying to do a travel oriented article to publish in the states, at least for the Champlain newspaper.

By the way, I'm loving the food info. I'm such a sucker for new foods, and those little packages you get are really interesting! I'm so jealous!